Saturday, February 6, 2010


I first of all have to thank all of the friends and family that have given me so much support this past year. I feel so blessed to be surrounded by so many uplifting and wonderful people who believe in me and my passion for photography! I have the best clients and want you all to know how much I've enjoyed working with each one of you!
I'm so excited for a new year (even though it's already February:) ) and for all of the fun we are going to have this year. A new year means new locations, lots of new babies, *hint - hint* favorite :) and lots of new ideas to try. I can't wait for what the future has in store and am so blessed to be able to pursue what I love so much!
Here's some new favs of my little guy at 5 months...I just love his chubby fingers and toes!

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